Assembly/AU/Dec.99 (VI) DECISION ON THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF SEVEN HEADS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT CHAIRED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA The Assembly: 1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Committee of Seven Heads of State and Government; 2. COMMENDS the Committee of Seven Heads of State and Government for its Report; 3. REAFFIRMS that the ultimate goal of the African Union is the full political and economic integration of the continent leading to the United States of Africa; 4. REQUESTS the Commission to follow up on this Report in accordance with the Work Plan and the framework of action contained therein; 5. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to consider the contribution of the Brother Leader Muammer El-Gaddafi and all other pertinent ideas discussed during this Session as well as others that may be submitted or arise through consultations with all relevant stakeholders and Experts as envisaged in the Report and to submit a consolidated document with a roadmap for consideration by the Assembly at its next Ordinary Session in July 2006.

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